ZELO BUON PERSICO - Rotatoria S.S. 415
Dipartimento III – Infrastrutture, Lavori Pubblici e Mobiltà
The project includes the requalification of the ex state highway next to the intersection with the county road 181. This has been done following a diamond scheme having the principal axis placed on a viaduct and the roundabout junction based on the natural surface line. This work has been adapted to the motorway link located in Paullo municipality that was still under construction, taking into account the oval shape of the motorway link in order not to penalise its capacity. The construction of the roundabout at its grade-level configuration contributed also the construction of islands large enough to accommodate the viaduct on which the main axis of the new road will pass through.
The works have been carried out according to the following stages:
Stage 1: Construction of the motorway link
Construction of traffic routes, tracking and staking setting-out pegs, checks to verify land conditions, excavations, road embankments, creation of foundation eased frames, embankments works made with operating machinery, base construction, construction of foundation layers in mixed granular, construction of foundation layers in concrete mixture, construction of the base layer, construction of connection layers and use-surfaces, embankments protection.
Stage 2 – Construction of the roundabout left-hand side on ex state highway 415
Excavations, embankments works produced with operative machinery, creation of foundation eased frames, base construction, construction of foundation layers in mixed granular, construction of the base layer, construction of connection layers and use-surfaces, construction of concrete lineal architectonic element, laying of ducts, gutters and ditches and embankments protection.
Stage 3 –Construction of the roundabout right-hand side on ex state highway 415
Delimitation of the construction site, excavations, creation of foundation eased frames, base construction, construction of foundation layers in mixed granular, construction of the base layer, construction of connection layers and use-surfaces, construction of concrete lineal architectonic element, laying of ducts, gutters and ditches and embankments protection.
Stage 4 – Works completion and public enlightening
Positioning of the security barrier and signs, positioning of the housing-pipe as a pole support, installation of the support via hoist truck, construction site removal.
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