+39 0371 70122 info@defabiani.com


Project & Construction Management is the key feature that De Fabiani observes in order to guarantee the highest standard of efficacy and efficiency while managing the development of its activities. This key feature consists of a plan that defines in detail every single stage of the process including budgeting and timing. All this is done during the monitoring stage in order to undertake every possible action needed to guide the process in full compliance with the given goals.


Conception stage

  • Examination of the documents relating to the invitation to tender
  • Economic feasibility
  • Schedule feasibility
  • Problem analysis
  • Solution analysis
  • Economic feasibility of the solution
  • Technical development of the chosen solution
  • Final economic revaluation


Planning stage

  • Signing the agreement
  • Planning guidelines
  • Development of the ultimate and executive planning
  • Quality plan
  • WBS (work breakdown structure), stages definition and process schedule
  • Management of operations representative


Project management

  • Project Management nomination
  • Sharing the goals highlighted in the WBS
  • Workers selection /direct means
  • Supplier selection


Realisation stage

  • Construction site logistics
  • Beginning of the activities referring to the WBS
  • Periodic check on the progress of the work
  • SIL writing (current situation that can be used as a basis for revising the works schedule)
  • SAL writing (Project Review Meeting – percentage of completion of works)
  • Ongoing tests
  • End of works
  • Maintenance as a works guarantee
  • Final test and taking charge of the client

The qualitative strategy of De Fabiani is focused on reducing the inefficiency at organisational level while improving performance and standards of all the activities.

De Fabiani presents, through a constant control of its activities, a product which quality matches the qualitative standards and the technical specifications agreed in the contract according to the regulations that these point out.

The working history of De Fabiani family is characterised by a very distinguished activity. De Fabiani today is established on the market as a construction company qualified in both public and private sectors.

If you wish to join our team send us your speculative application or find out the available positions. Fill out the module online and upload your CV, we will receive your candidacy immediately.


De Fabiani is a company with a consolidate experience in the field of Planning, construction and maintenance of infrastructural and civil works in both public and private

Registred Office, Management and offices

Via F. Barbarossa n. 11 26824 Cavenago d’Adda (LO)

Tel: +39 0371.70122 E-mail: info@defabiani.com